Looks like SBOE Vice Chairman Thomas Ratliff is a little testy today. Interesting isn’t it? Please see the press release below that came out today by Ratliff. Although, before I get to that please let me connect a few dots for you with the Education Bureaucracy in Texas. The Ratliffs are the Education Clan of Texas. Listen to this audio and then keep reading…. Let me introduce you to Daddy Ratliff – Ex-Texas Senator Bill Ratliff Raise Your Hand AdBill along with Ex-Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Moses founded the “Raise Your Hand” non-profit back in 2007 which raised eyebrows because they had a history in Education that many will not forget. Below are excerpts from Donna Garner’s 2007 article Raise Your Hand for a Hand Out”


Ratliff and Moses are continuing to swill from the education trough by forming a new organization called Raise Your Hand to pressure the people for more tax dollars for Texas’ public schools.  Have these two gentlemen any credibility on the subject?   

William Murchison said it best in the 2.16.07 Lone Star Report, “…keep a country mile away from Raise Your Hand, and from Bill Ratliff, and from Mike Moses, whose solution for dealing with a sinking boat is to pour some more water in the gunwales.”

Before we citizens put our trust in Raise Your Hand, let’s do a quick study of its leaders, Ratliff and Moses. 


Not only did Ratliff author the failed and oft-maligned Robin Hood Plan, but he also drafted SB 1 in 1995 which stripped local teachers of control over what they taught.   RATLIFF: LOSS OF CONTROL BY LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS As the author of SB 1, Ratliff is also responsible for taking the authority away from elected local school boards and placing that power into the hands of unelected superintendents.  No longer do locally elected school board members have any real control over the all-important issues of personnel hiring and district curriculum decisions. Local school board members’ duties have basically been reduced to (1) hiring and firing the superintendent, (2) buying and selling property, and (3) setting board policy (e.g., those items which involve board members themselves – elections, vacancies on the board, travel and reimbursement policies, etc.).   RATLIFF:  LOSS OF CONTROL BY ELECTED SBOE At the state level, Ratliff tried for years to replace the elected State Board of Education (SBOE) with an appointed one.  Appointed boards really do not care what voters want. They will do the will of whoever appoints them and of the lobbyists who orchestrate from a distance.      Ratliff’s SB 1 reduced the authority of the elected SBOE and enhanced the power of the unelected Texas Commissioner of Education who at the time was Ratliff’s joined-at-the-hip ally, Mike Moses.   Ratliff always pretended that the SBOE had lost control over textbook content; and until Attorney General Greg Abbott’s 2006 opinion, the SBOE was shut out of fulfilling its lawful responsibilities.  For eleven years the Board labored under Ratliff’s false interpretation; and during that time, numerous inferior textbooks were placed in front of our Texas students.    Because of Ratliff’s influence on SB 1, elected SBOE members cannot even elect their own chairperson; the Governor appoints one.   RATLIFF: TAXPAYER-ENRICHED OPPORTUNIST Ratliff is a registered lobbyist (http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/dfs/loblists.htm) and has made large sums of money from a number of clients including the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).  Having retired from the Texas Senate in 2003, he began representing TASB on May 10, 2004.  That year he received up to $99,999.99 from TASB, and again in 2005, and 2006.   We taxpayers paid Ratliff’s rich lobbying fees because the membership dues that education entities pay to join TASB come from our taxpayers’ dollars. 

Because the TASB dues come from public funds, we taxpayers are actually paying TASB to lobby Legislators for more school funding so that our taxes will increase.  We are paying to lobby ourselves!

It just so happens that Bennett Ratliff the youngest brother in the Ratliff clan is a Freshman State Representative that the infamous Speaker of the House Joe Straus appointed to the Education Committee. Wow isn’t that a coincidence. Oh by the way the chair of the House Ed. Comm., Rep. Jimmy Don Aycock, has a daughter who is a lobbyist for Raise Your Hand as well.  No wonder Senator Dan Patrick believed there was no way that Rep. Steve Toth’s bill which gave the SBOE over-site of CSCOPE would ever pass in the house.  Thank goodness for Texas Mom Kara Sands who worked the bill  through and got it passed with tenacity and conviction.

THE RATLIFF CLAN AND THEIR COHORTS  “Unfortunately, the Ratliff family (Bill, Thomas, Bennett, Shannon) are heavily vested in Raise Your Hand and in other political entities that have managed to influence our Texas Legislators, particularly during this 83rd Session.”

So let’s get to Thomas Ratliff and why he may be a little testy. You see Thomas Ratliff; Bill’s son -you know the one who was ruled by the Attorney General to be on the State Board of Education illegally because he is a paid lobbyist for Microsoft,  yea that one. He had a press release that came out today… see below. He is not very happy that CSCOPE has been brought under the microscope and lessons have been pulled. Connect this dot – The RATLIFF’S  ARE TIED TO BILL GATES AND MICROSOFT You know the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is the lead funder for the transformation of Education in America called Common Core.  It has been reported that “a Gates Foundation-funded project  is storing an unprecedented amount of personal information about millions of students in a $100 million database that cannot guarantee complete security.” Even in Texas a state that rejected Common Core just passed HB2103. This bill is sitting on Gov. Perry’s desk for his signature. HB2103 sets up three P20 education research centers that in the name of education research have access to private data on both students and teachers.  Please listen to this short audio explaining it. https://soundcloud.com/alice-linahan/donna-garner-hb-2103 CSCOPE in Texas was the testing ground for the platform that is to be used in other states. From Texas Mom Colleen Vera’s article here are Three examples from their business models:

  • CSCOPE uses public funds to run a private non-profit corporation to hide its operations from the public
  • CSCOPE started as a simple service to local school districts and spread to over 800 districts statewide with plans of expanding out of state.
  • The legality of CSCOPE’s actions are highly suspect, access local tax dollars to give to a private non-profit corporation instead of distributing the funds directly to the ISDs  as dictated by Texas Education Code 18.14.

So now the light is being shined and the Ratliff Clan is not happy. After listening to the recommendation of SBOE Thomas Ratliff for districts to download CSCOPE lessons and then listening to Sen. Dan Patrick’s response linked here. I would suggest we all call Attorney General Greg Abbott and let him know it is time for the Ratcliff clan to be held responsible. Let’s start with removing Thomas Ratliff from the SBOE. Contact the Attorney General Greg Abbott to the following addresses: greg.abbott@oag.state.tx.us or public.information@oag.state.tx.us Greg Abbott Campaign Office: 512.477.2002 You can tweet the AG at @GregAbbott_TX or post in the comments section on his FB Attorney General Greg Abbott See Thomas Ratliff’s press release today – “WHAT A BULLY” Thomas Ratliff P.O. Box 232        State Board of Education        tel:  (903) 717-1190 Mt. Pleasant, TX 75456        Vice-Chairman        www.thomasratliff.com NO BULLYING POLICIES AND BURNING BOOKS By Thomas Ratliff, Vice Chairman, Texas State Board of Education Our country was founded on a “no-bullying” policy when our founders stood up to an English King who tried to bully us. Our military has helped other countries stand up to bullies throughout history. Even today, every Texas public school has a “no bullying” policy for protection of their students. It’s time for parents, educators, and school board members to stand up to another bully. Senator Dan Patrick. To be fair, there are some things he has done to help public education. However, the majority of his efforts are designed to bully all of us to agree with him on things like vouchers, taxpayer savings grants, charter schools, and finally CSCOPE. Senator Patrick, who has no schools who use CSCOPE in his district, first set out to “improve” but ultimately destroyed a tool used by 80% of the school districts in Texas. I have referred to his effort as a “21st century book burning.” Let me explain. In 1933, the German Student Association proclaimed a nationwide “Action against the Un-German Spirit”, which was to climax in a literary purge or “cleansing” by fire. The students described the “action” as a response to a worldwide “smear campaign” against Germany and an affirmation of “traditional German values.” In a symbolic act, the students burned upwards of 25,000 volumes of “un-German” books, presaging an era of state censorship and control of culture. At the meeting places, students threw the pillaged and unwanted books into the bonfires with great joyous ceremony. Let’s fast-forward 80 years. Earlier this year, Senator Patrick held Senate hearings intended to grill supporters and creators of CSCOPE about a variety of issues. Some of the issues were legitimate, others contrived, exaggerated or taken out of context. He later went on Fox News to talk about the hearings and there was a banner below the Senator’s face that read, “Texas Lawmakers hold hearings into allegedly anti-American curriculum.” Then, just last month he held a press conference celebrating the “end of the CSCOPE era.” You could even call it a joyous ceremony. At the press conference, Senator Patrick even said, “What the legislature has learned…is we have to monitor what is being taught in our classrooms before the fact very closely with the same scrutiny as we did with our textbooks in the past.” Back to 1933. The burning of the books represented a culmination of the persecution of those authors whose verbal or written opinions were opposed to a particular ideology. Many artists, writers and scientists were banned from working and publication. Their works could no longer be found in libraries or in the curricula of schools or universities. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Who were some of the persecuted authors? Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Earnest Hemingway and Upton Sinclair. Not exactly radicals. I think a quote by Upton Sinclair clearly describes what is happening here. His quote, “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on his not understanding it.” If you substitute the word “paycheck” with “re-election” “conservative rating” or “number of Facebook friends,” you start to understand the motive behind Senator Patrick wanting to eliminate CSCOPE lessons. Censorship is censorship, regardless of who’s calling the shots. This is a core belief of our country and we shouldn’t stand for it. To be clear, of the 1,300 lessons in CSCOPE, there have only been a small handful of “controversial” examples talked about. Is CSCOPE perfect? No. I would doubt any curriculum of any school, public or private, is perfect. But, in an effort to get rid of the few lessons he didn’t like, Senator Patrick threatened the Regional Service Centers who created CSCOPE to pull it down or he would take his bullying to the next level. But, apparently even after CSCOPE agreed to pull down the lessons, Senator Patrick still isn’t done. Now he is asking people to “report” school districts that want to continue to use CSCOPE lessons that they helped develop. He says he will “share” that information with the Attorney General for some sort of enforcement action I guess. This looks like the Social Studies police, or SS for short. What’s next? Will the state start barging in the door of a teacher’s room to destroy or confiscate her “controversial” lesson plans. Where does it stop? Join me in standing up to this kind of bullying. Texas has more than 7,000 locally elected school board members who are responsible for overseeing their local INDEPENDENT school districts. We don’t need more state sanctioned censorship of our classrooms. We need the state to set reasonable standards and then get out of the way and let our local public schools do their job. We need tools like CSCOPE to be available as options for teachers to choose, not forced upon them or taken from them by a bully.

_____________________________________________________________Is Common Core in Texas? You Bet it is.  

Looks like SBOE Vice Chairman Thomas Ratliff is a little Testy over CSCOPE

Looks like SBOE Vice Chairman Thomas Ratliff is a little testy today. Interesting isn’t it? Please see the press release below that came out today by Ratliff. Although, before I get to that please let me connect a few dots for you with the Education Bureaucracy in Texas. The Ratliffs are the Education Clan of Texas.

Listen to this audio and then keep reading….

Let me introduce you to Daddy Ratliff – Ex-Texas Senator Bill Ratliff

Raise Your Hand AdBill along with Ex-Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Moses founded the “Raise Your Hand” non-profit back in 2007 which raised eyebrows because they had a history in Education that many will not forget. Below are excerpts from Donna Garner’s 2007 article Raise Your Hand for a Hand Out”


Ratliff and Moses are continuing to swill from the education trough by forming a new organization called Raise Your Hand to pressure the people for more tax dollars for Texas’ public schools.  Have these two gentlemen any credibility on the subject?   

William Murchison said it best in the 2.16.07 Lone Star Report, “…keep a country mile away from Raise Your Hand, and from Bill Ratliff, and from Mike Moses, whose solution for dealing with a sinking boat is to pour some more water in the gunwales.”

Before we citizens put our trust in Raise Your Hand, let’s do a quick study of its leaders, Ratliff and Moses. 


Not only did Ratliff author the failed and oft-maligned Robin Hood Plan, but he also drafted SB 1 in 1995 which stripped local teachers of control over what they taught.  


As the author of SB 1, Ratliff is also responsible for taking the authority away from elected local school boards and placing that power into the hands of unelected superintendents. 

No longer do locally elected school board members have any real control over the all-important issues of personnel hiring and district curriculum decisions.

Local school board members’ duties have basically been reduced to (1) hiring and firing the superintendent, (2) buying and selling property, and (3) setting board policy (e.g., those items which involve board members themselves – elections, vacancies on the board, travel and reimbursement policies, etc.).  


At the state level, Ratliff tried for years to replace the elected State Board of Education (SBOE) with an appointed one.  Appointed boards really do not care what voters want. They will do the will of whoever appoints them and of the lobbyists who orchestrate from a distance.    

 Ratliff’s SB 1 reduced the authority of the elected SBOE and enhanced the power of the unelected Texas Commissioner of Education who at the time was Ratliff’s joined-at-the-hip ally, Mike Moses. 

 Ratliff always pretended that the SBOE had lost control over textbook content; and until Attorney General Greg Abbott’s 2006 opinion, the SBOE was shut out of fulfilling its lawful responsibilities.  For eleven years the Board labored under Ratliff’s false interpretation; and during that time, numerous inferior textbooks were placed in front of our Texas students.   

Because of Ratliff’s influence on SB 1, elected SBOE members cannot even elect their own chairperson; the Governor appoints one.  


Ratliff is a registered lobbyist (http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/dfs/loblists.htm) and has made large sums of money from a number of clients including the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).  Having retired from the Texas Senate in 2003, he began representing TASB on May 10, 2004.  That year he received up to $99,999.99 from TASB, and again in 2005, and 2006.  

We taxpayers paid Ratliff’s rich lobbying fees because the membership dues that education entities pay to join TASB come from our taxpayers’ dollars. 

Because the TASB dues come from public funds, we taxpayers are actually paying TASB to lobby Legislators for more school funding so that our taxes will increase.  We are paying to lobby ourselves!

It just so happens that Bennett Ratliff the youngest brother in the Ratliff clan is a Freshman State Representative that the infamous Speaker of the House Joe Straus appointed to the Education Committee. Wow isn’t that a coincidence. Oh by the way the chair of the House Ed. Comm., Rep. Jimmy Don Aycock, has a daughter who is a lobbyist for Raise Your Hand as well.  No wonder Senator Dan Patrick believed there was no way that Rep. Steve Toth’s bill which gave the SBOE over-site of CSCOPE would ever pass in the house.  Thank goodness for Texas Mom Kara Sands who worked the bill  through and got it passed with tenacity and conviction.


“Unfortunately, the Ratliff family (Bill, Thomas, Bennett, Shannon) are heavily vested in Raise Your Hand and in other political entities that have managed to influence our Texas Legislators, particularly during this 83rd Session.”

So let’s get to Thomas Ratliff and why he may be a little testy. You see Thomas Ratliff; Bill’s son -you know the one who was ruled by the Attorney General to be on the State Board of Education illegally because he is a paid lobbyist for Microsoft,  yea that one. He had a press release that came out today… see below.

He is not very happy that CSCOPE has been brought under the microscope and lessons have been pulled. Connect this dot – The RATLIFF’S  ARE TIED TO BILL GATES AND MICROSOFT

You know the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is the lead funder for the transformation of Education in America called Common Core.  It has been reported that “a Gates Foundation-funded project  is storing an unprecedented amount of personal information about millions of students in a $100 million database that cannot guarantee complete security.”

Even in Texas a state that rejected Common Core just passed HB2103. This bill is sitting on Gov. Perry’s desk for his signature. HB2103 sets up three P20 education research centers that in the name of education research have access to private data on both students and teachers.  Please listen to this short audio explaining it. https://soundcloud.com/alice-linahan/donna-garner-hb-2103

CSCOPE in Texas was the testing ground for the platform that is to be used in other states.

From Texas Mom Colleen Vera’s article here are Three examples from their business models:

  • CSCOPE uses public funds to run a private non-profit corporation to hide its operations from the public
  • CSCOPE started as a simple service to local school districts and spread to over 800 districts statewide with plans of expanding out of state.
  • The legality of CSCOPE’s actions are highly suspect, access local tax dollars to give to a private non-profit corporation instead of distributing the funds directly to the ISDs  as dictated by Texas Education Code 18.14.

So now the light is being shined and the Ratliff Clan is not happy. After listening to the recommendation of SBOE Thomas Ratliff for districts to download CSCOPE lessons and then listening to Sen. Dan Patrick’s response linked here. I would suggest we all call Attorney General Greg Abbott and let him know it is time for the Ratcliff clan to be held responsible. Let’s start with removing Thomas Ratliff from the SBOE.

Contact the Attorney General Greg Abbott to the following addresses: greg.abbott@oag.state.tx.us or public.information@oag.state.tx.us

Greg Abbott Campaign Office: 512.477.2002

You can tweet the AG at @GregAbbott_TX or post in the comments section on his FB Attorney General Greg Abbott

See Thomas Ratliff’s press release today – “WHAT A BULLY”

Thomas Ratliff

P.O. Box 232        State Board of Education        tel:  (903) 717-1190

Mt. Pleasant, TX 75456        Vice-Chairman        www.thomasratliff.com


By Thomas Ratliff, Vice Chairman, Texas State Board of Education

Our country was founded on a “no-bullying” policy when our founders stood up to an English King who tried to bully us. Our military has helped other countries stand up to bullies throughout history. Even today, every Texas public school has a “no bullying” policy for protection of their students.

It’s time for parents, educators, and school board members to stand up to another bully. Senator Dan Patrick. To be fair, there are some things he has done to help public education. However, the majority of his efforts are designed to bully all of us to agree with him on things like vouchers, taxpayer savings grants, charter schools, and finally CSCOPE. Senator Patrick, who has no schools who use CSCOPE in his district, first set out to “improve” but ultimately destroyed a tool used by 80% of the school districts in Texas. I have referred to his effort as a “21st century book burning.” Let me explain.

In 1933, the German Student Association proclaimed a nationwide “Action against the Un-German Spirit”, which was to climax in a literary purge or “cleansing” by fire. The students described the “action” as a response to a worldwide “smear campaign” against Germany and an affirmation of “traditional German values.” In a symbolic act, the students burned upwards of 25,000 volumes of “un-German” books, presaging an era of state censorship and control of culture. At the meeting places, students threw the pillaged and unwanted books into the bonfires with great joyous ceremony.

Let’s fast-forward 80 years. Earlier this year, Senator Patrick held Senate hearings intended to grill supporters and creators of CSCOPE about a variety of issues. Some of the issues were legitimate, others contrived, exaggerated or taken out of context. He later went on Fox News to talk about the hearings and there was a banner below the Senator’s face that read, “Texas Lawmakers hold hearings into allegedly anti-American curriculum.” Then, just last month he held a press conference celebrating the “end of the CSCOPE era.” You could even call it a joyous ceremony. At the press conference, Senator Patrick even said, “What the legislature has learned…is we have to monitor what is being taught in our classrooms before the fact very closely with the same scrutiny as we did with our textbooks in the past.”

Back to 1933. The burning of the books represented a culmination of the persecution of those authors whose verbal or written opinions were opposed to a particular ideology. Many artists, writers and scientists were banned from working and publication. Their works could no longer be found in libraries or in the curricula of schools or universities. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

Who were some of the persecuted authors? Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Earnest Hemingway and Upton Sinclair. Not exactly radicals.

I think a quote by Upton Sinclair clearly describes what is happening here. His quote, “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on his not understanding it.” If you substitute the word “paycheck” with “re-election” “conservative rating” or “number of Facebook friends,” you start to understand the motive behind Senator Patrick wanting to eliminate CSCOPE lessons.

Censorship is censorship, regardless of who’s calling the shots. This is a core belief of our country and we shouldn’t stand for it.

To be clear, of the 1,300 lessons in CSCOPE, there have only been a small handful of “controversial” examples talked about. Is CSCOPE perfect? No. I would doubt any curriculum of any school, public or private, is perfect. But, in an effort to get rid of the few lessons he didn’t like, Senator Patrick threatened the Regional Service Centers who created CSCOPE to pull it down or he would take his bullying to the next level.

But, apparently even after CSCOPE agreed to pull down the lessons, Senator Patrick still isn’t done. Now he is asking people to “report” school districts that want to continue to use CSCOPE lessons that they helped develop. He says he will “share” that information with the Attorney General for some sort of enforcement action I guess. This looks like the Social Studies police, or SS for short. What’s next? Will the state start barging in the door of a teacher’s room to destroy or confiscate her “controversial” lesson plans. Where does it stop?

Join me in standing up to this kind of bullying. Texas has more than 7,000 locally elected school board members who are responsible for overseeing their local INDEPENDENT school districts. We don’t need more state sanctioned censorship of our classrooms. We need the state to set reasonable standards and then get out of the way and let our local public schools do their job. We need tools like CSCOPE to be available as options for teachers to choose, not forced upon them or taken from them by a bully.

_____________________________________________________________Is Common Core in Texas? You Bet it is.  


Math ~ Do we want to emulate Asian Math?

Maybe not so fast….. 
The movement to #StopCommonCore is in motion and people are beginning to ask questions. That is a good thing. Knowledge is power! 

The folly of Common Core

Photo courtesy of the Daily Caller

The folly of Common Core proponents’ China 

“An analysis by Keith Baker, a retired researcher for the Department of Education, found that when comparing the United States to countries that outscored us on the FIMS test, the U.S., on average, outranked those countries in the categories of economic growth, quality of life, livability, democracy, and creativity.


Moreover, even if we do make scoring higher on international tests a goal of education reform, Common Core isn’t the right way to do it.


“There is no strong, or even mild, correlation — and certainly not a cause-and-effect relationship — between national standards and national performance on international tests,” Tienken’s report notes.”

From the Daily Caller to a Texas Mom- Cathy Wells who has been looking at, and asking questions about the Common Core philosophy of Education. What she found is interesting.

I’ve been fumbling around with math conceptualization and methodology in my head, trying to untangle the web Common Core weaves of using “Asian” standards for math but managing to muck it up entirely and create mathematical idiots. 

I found two GREAT writers who are smarter than me and are math instructors to boot. If you are struggling to understand how new and “better” math lessons are creating kids who can’t perform math, here you go:http://oilf.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-make-singapore-math-sound-like.html?m=1


The take away~ The movement is in motion and parents are asking question. 
That is a very good thing! 

We Open the Backpacks reports on the Wise Messenger~

Hat Tip to the team over at AgendaWise.com Check out Weston Hicks rebuttle to the Wise County Messenger.


Wise County blogger Brian Knox wrote a post, well-intentioned but perhaps off target, following a meeting about CSCOPE hosted by Alice Linahan of Women on the Wall. Knox expressed sadness at the direction of focus and level of rhetoric, and advocated a spirit of dialogue between concerned parents and activists and local educators.

However, though Knox is surely  right that parents and activist handling of CSCOPE is uncomfortable, their outrage is also exactly what the doctor ordered.

It must be said at the start, Knox never justified the promise of his article’s title, “Why the tea party should be CSCOPE’s biggest advocate”. He made some points about good school district people with good intentions, but he never connected them to CSCOPE, and he never addressed CSCOPE’s undisputed malfeasance or why parents are anything but wise and loving for wanting to chase CSCOPE out of the state.

Knox had some well-taken points.

He pointed out that there are many good people in education that really want to fix things, as has always been the case. Knox said that politicians don’t care about fixing education. Though perhaps harsh, it leads to the correct conclusion, namely that successful centralized state management of education is impossible. We have nothing but proof of that fact.

Politicians are constrained by the political process and, as Knox points out, will always need to win political battles first. Unfortunately, the political process usually mangles tools designed to reform entrenched power, an outcome we are safe to assume the politicians wish wasn’t the case, but aren’t willing to start losing every battle on account of.

Knox lamented the idea of putting pressure on school boards to hire a Superintendent that will get rid of CSCOPE. For him it is too confrontational and misses the point of empowering local educators.

Is that correct, though?

There isn’t a single anti-CSCOPE parent or taxpayer that doesn’t want control of education to leave Austin. They want parents to be able to choose where to send their kids, and they want schools to have to compete for students.

The main thing standing in the way of that is the power of the state education bureaucracy.

It simply isn’t realistic to think we can have meaningful local control without breaking the status quo, in which teacher and school board associations constantly compete for state money, and states compete for federal money. In this way, an already inflexible and politicized system gives up essential control.

The progressive standards and dysfunctional teaching system generated by this process is the part that parents and concerned citizens cannot abide.

The real enemy of fixing the system is insufficient motivation for parents and taxpayers to take on the fight. And, as long as the debate temperature stays low, it doesn’t matter how good or bad the ideas being discussed are; the status quo will simply roll over the noise.

CSCOPE has committed sins that are impossible to ignore or forgive – so much so that ignoring this fact is a sure ticket to bringing one’s seriousness, and possibly one’s intentions, into question.

CSCOPE’s arrogance and incompetence were unforgivable, and along the way they generated some attention-grabbing nuggets for marketing education reform to parents and taxpayers. These troops must be recruited, and they perfectly aligned at the deepest levels with altruistic educators to change the fight in favor of reform.

We live with a million things competing for our attention. That isn’t going to change. For something to attract a crowd to a cause it had better have some fireworks around it. In these circumstances being sweet and calm and easy is as good as giving up. We may prefer it, but this approach doesn’t move entrenched power.

Charged-up parents and taxpayers educating about CSCOPE are recruiting troops to education reform that are needed for many battles.

– Wise County blogger post

Click photo for to hear AudioIt would be interesting to know if Brian Knox would approve of this coming into the Decatur Library?
Parents do you know your rights? Your children are being taught what theirs should be under the umbrella of #CommonCore and the American Library Association. 

Have you ever had one of those Oh MY GOSH moments when listening to a radio show? Well that happened on the Women On The Wall radio show this morning. Click and listen to the audio and then check out the Pamphlet that Education Correspondent Mary Bowen shared with us on the show here>> womenonthewall.org/wp-content/uplo…wyourrights.pdf

The Library lesson Mary referenced in the show is found in this video on Sexting. www.teachingchannel.org/videos/danger…-sexting?fd=1

Parents Knowledge is power and it is time to wake up and take action.
To listen to the full show click here. www.blogtalkradio.com/wbtminternetra…on-the-wall-21

Who is the Passion behind Common Core? Sarah Brown Wessling


Cross posted from Voices Empower.com 

In traveling across the state speaking on the dangers of the philosophy of education found in Common Core I have been intrigued by the passion behind those in Education who are pushing for CSCOPE in Texas and Common Core in other states. I believe that comes from a dynamic speaker and the voice behind Common Core.

Barack Obama, Sarah Brown Wessling, Arne DuncanHer name is Sarah Brown Wessling.

Here is a little background on Wessling…….

Sarah Brown Wessling is a high school English teacher in Johnston, Iowa. She is the 2010 National Teacher of the Year and is the Teacher Laureate for Teaching Channel. She also hosts “Teaching Channel Presents” on public television stations around the country. 

Ms. Wessling is a wonderful speaker and makes ideas and common core come alive. She makes you feel so good about 21st Century Learning. And she is a danger to your child’s education and well being. Wessling states…

“We need 21st century teachers, not just adults teaching in the 21st Century.”

“When we embrase this open model of learning the consumers of our curriculum will become the designers of their own learning experiences.”

Please take note of what she says in the video below at time stamp 4:28 about what you would see when you come into her classroom.

Teacher of the Year Honored

Now let’s break down what she is actually saying.

Texas Mom and classical educator Cathy Wells said it best recently in a post she made on Facebook. Cathy takes a look at the Constructionist theory in education.

Child gpig“I wanted to elucidate once again for those who have missed it or are new, what the real problem with Common Core/CSCOPE is. This happens to also explain why, once CSCOPE lessons are gone, that we have to remain vigilant against programs such as icloud or anything else that is non-traditional or based on social constructivism. 

Here is a link to a good explanation of social/educational constructivism:

Essentially, social constructivism posits that the best way to learn something is to invent it or “discover” it yourself. I concede that this is certainly a very thorough way to learn something. I’ve had to do it myself in ranching many times. However, in terms of academics, it’s a really bad idea. You’re basically suggesting that kids spend their entire school day “discovering” information. The volume of information that you can cover in a day is sharply reduced. Which, according to Common Core standards is not only acceptable but the desired result. The idea is that this “deep” learning of concepts/principles will somehow transfer itself to other learning areas. 

The primary problem with this theory is that it’s just bunk. It doesn’t work. Veteran teachers know this. It seems to me that the new teachers are the ones having the wool pulled over their eyes. Try factoring out an algebra problem without knowing your times tables by the dread ROTE that Common Core proponents despise. What typically frustrates advanced math teachers is the lack of fact memorization. 

Classically and traditionally, younger years were spent in rote memorization because that is the concrete learning phase of childhood in which young children excel at just tucking away bits of information in their heads. The alphabet song, tunes on the radio, languages, etc. are most easily picked up during this stage. When the child reached the middle years, they began putting those facts to greater use, applying logic and making synergistic connections. The high school years would be spent in mastery of subjects and learning to argue a point using all the facts and logic applied theretofore.

It appears that what modern education would like to do is completely skip the young “grammar” stage of learning, skip the memorization of any facts, and head straight to the logical thought period. If we lived in the Matrix and could have programs instantly loaded into our brains, that might work great (given our brains were born at the abstract level of maturity, which they are not). Since we live in the real world…sadly, this is not an effective methodology. 

Many modern educrats like to say that we traditionalists are against “thinking skills” or “critical thinking.” Absolutely false. We are for the proper ordering of such skills in the progression of educational life. We know that it actually CONFUSES children to flip-flop things around and DAMAGES their ability to have critical thinking. After all, what will they be thinking ABOUT if their heads are not full of facts but merely their own opinions and constructions?” 

I encourage you to also watch the video below and ask yourself….Is the Common Core/CSCOPE philosophy of education good for the mental health of your child? Listen and you decide. 

Knowledge is power ~ In order to protect your children you must understand what they are being fed in the classroom. It is your responsibility to decide if you want your child to be a victim of the 21st Century Learning experiment or if you believe in the Classical Traditional philosophy  of education. Then it is your responsibility to take action to protect your child.

Petition to Remove CSCOPE from Texas Schools


Petition to Remove CSCOPE from Texas Schools

THe Children are our Future

The Power of Compounding Activists

~Join the Movement~

Tools To…

Click here for a list Texas School Districts using CSCOPE. 

Request for Public Information (PIR) Templete for TASA and TASB 

Talking Points ~ Seven Areas of Concern with CSCOPE 

CSCOPE Tool Box for Local Group Meeting

CSCOPE – Opt out Letter for Parents 

CSCOPE-Letter to Texas Senators 

CSCOPE-Letter to Texas House Representatives

CSCOPE-Group Multi Signature letter 

Texas School Boards and School Administrators are meeting now to determine what will be used in the 2013 – 2014 school term. Parents, grandparents, and others need to know how CSCOPE is hurting our children.

Below are links for you to use to make a difference.

Please click here Instructions for CSCOPE Letter to the local Newspapers

Op Ed Letter to the Local News Paper Editor by Bill Hussey

CSCOPE – Letter to the Editors~ Paragraph form

F for CSCOPE ~ Join Texans across the state send out this Letter to the Editor

CSCOPE – School Board Testimony Sample

CSCOPE-Superintendent Letter Sample #1

CSCOPE~ Superintendent Letter Sample #2

To accompany the Superintendent Letter SBOE History Standards-highlighted p1-15[1]

If you are outside of Texas and fighting Common Core Curriculum here is a Common Core Standards Parent Opt Out

Protect Traditional Education in Texas! Get involved.  

  • If we want our public school children to learn to read well, we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want them to be able to speak and write English well, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want them to be patriotic citizens who revere the Founding Fathers and know and honor the Constitution, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want our graduates to be knowledgeable voters who know history and can analyze current events based upon the past and the present, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want our public school children to recognize that they and the whole world were created by a Higher Being, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want our public school children to know their math facts to automaticity, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want our public school children to be able to do well in foreign languages, then we must have Traditional Education that teaches the phonetic sound system and grammar/usage in  English so that they can apply that to their foreign language learning.
  • If we want our public school children to read the great pieces of literature that have connected our country to past generations, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want our public school children to have the skills and knowledge they need for college and/or the workplace, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want to turn out scientists who are well read, logical, analytical, and who can write down their scientific conclusions, then we must have Traditional Education.
  • If we want our graduates to be able to write compositions built upon facts and persuasive techniques, then we must have Traditional Education .
  • If we want our high-school students to know how to research a topic and then put that information into well-written text, we must have Type #1.If we want legislators who are well read and who have a deep understanding of world history/American history/U. S. legal system and how those apply to current events, then we must have Traditional Education.